Its the Day of that Person in our Life who gave us Birth, who is standing Next to us when we Crying and who Never Let us Down no Matter how tough Situation we are facing.
Its a day for all the Women around the World who our Torched every time, Separated on the Basis of Gender, and are Tiesed at the time of Birth just Because they are Women.
We all know the Value of a Women in our Life, it can be a Mother, our Sisters, Daughters, Grand Mother, Wife, and etc.
A women always try that their Family and her Kids never face Failure and never Compromise in their Future our Present, she do whatever it takes to make our Future Bright.
That's why a Mother cant be Replaced by anyone in anyone's life.
We all Men should Respect those Ladies who are Working Hard to get Paid, to get Jobs, or Just doing some Social Work to Shine Someones Future.
In this Generation we See Girls like our Toy or Just like a Slut every time when we someone wearing Short Cloths just Because she is a Girl. 
Its not that easy to stay in the World where People are Treated like this.
So before you do any kind of Nonsense remind yourself that it may can be your Sister or Mother as well. Try to Give respect to all the People around you No matter what Gender they Belong, Humanity is the must be the first Priority of every Person in their Lives. 
Fresh Founder Celebrates Joy and Happiness of Celebrating Women's Day with all the Women around the World who are Taking Caring of us, may in an Army, at Home, at Work Places or in our Life.
We Celebrate the Equality of Women Rights which they Deserve and Should be Given to them.
In India there is a Saying '' जीवन की कला को अपने हाथों से साकार कर नारी ने सभ्यता और संस्कृति का रूप निखारा है, नारी का अस्तित्व ही सुन्दर जीवन का आधार है | ''.

Thank You so Much for the Love and Peace. 

And Thank You me Readers as well to Read this Blog. 


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